Monday, July 11, 2011

poem of life

    Mom                                                                                                                                                           When I see you
       Iying on the bed,motionless
I cannot
       Believe it is you

You were so beautiful
       You had a rich smile
It was genuine
       You were firm,but
Lenient when necessary
       You were fit as a fiddle
Worked throughout the day
        Never complaining

You were like a soldier
Alert and vigilant
Protected us all the time
From misery and harm

You were a great teacher
Motivated and inspired me
To become a professional

Dear Mom
Lying on your bed
You make us realise
The reality of life.

A dream

Alone in this dark,
Only with the distant,
I dream of you......
You smell sweet,
I adore the fragrance...
Your ravishing eyes,
Are illusions near me....
The moon mirrors your face,
And shines brightly over me...
This takes me to a dream,
Englighted with your smiles....
Sweet hours pass miserably,
Letting the sun to appear,
Then my dream disappears,
Leaving a heavy tear.........


                                                                 Completely changing life
                                                                 Decorates the whole world
                                                                 gifting unforgettable memories
                                                                 which are eternal
                                                                 An immeasurable sacred gift
                                                                 Named "friendship"
                                                                 Makes everything better
                                                                 No words can explain
                                                                 The notion in the heart
                                                                 Which gives birth to
                                                                 Thousands of noble thoghts
                                                                 This is the sweet fragrance
                                                                 Which freshens the soul

Wild romance

Take my heart
Make me yours
Love me day and night
In a wild wild romance

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